Last week Indiana University celebrated the 40th
anniversary of its undefeated 1976 national
championship men’s basketball team.
The players and their families returned to Bloomington to receive the love and
appreciation of one of college basketball’s greatest fan bases. And that team
certainly deserves adulation. Not only was it the last undefeated college team
in NCAA Division One basketball, it could have easily been undefeated for two
straight years. One of IU’s stars, Scott May, broke his arm late in the prior
season, and that injury most likely cost IU its only loss of the 1975 campaign,
a two-point defeat by Kentucky in the NCAA regional finals.
So it was a great night for one of college basketball’s
great traditional powers. But someone was missing.
Coach Bob Knight.
If you follow college basketball, you know that IU fired
Knight a few months before the start of the 2000-2001 basketball season. In the
spring of 2000, a video from one of IU’s practices from several years earlier began
circulating, showing Knight grabbing one of his players (Neil Reed) by the
throat. As a result, IU president Myles Brand placed Knight on a “zero
tolerance” order of no further physical contact with student-athletes. But in
September of 2000, an IU student claimed that Knight grabbed him by the arm and
scolded him for yelling, “Hey Knight.” That was enough for Brand, and Knight
was gone.
Before I say more, I need to offer some “full disclosure”
about my feelings toward Bobby Knight. I grew up in Kentucky, and part of that
birthright is a love of basketball. In high school I was a manager for our
basketball team, and the head coach my first two years was a disciple of Knight
in many respects, so I came to learn a lot about the technical side of
basketball from him. As a basketball nerd, I fell in love with Knight. I used
to love to watch old VHS tapes of his clinics. And I read everything I could
about him. A Season on the Brink by
John Feinstein, Playing for Knight by
Steve Alford (my personal favorite), and the lesser known BobKnight – His Own Man by Joan Mellen.
Not only was Knight a great coach, he was also serious about
coaching genuine student-athletes. His kids went to class, they graduated, and
they stayed out of trouble. And Knight didn’t cheat, in stark contrast to some
of the people involved with my beloved Kentucky Wildcats. And by all accounts,
once a player graduated, Knight would do anything he could for him.
So I was a huge fan of Knight. For a long time one of my
prized possessions was a letter I received from him in response to a letter I
wrote to him expressing my admiration (he answers all the mail he receives from
fans). And one of my sports fantasies was to be invited to go fly-fishing with
Knight! Needless to say, this love for Knight was much to the chagrin of my
fellow Wildcat fans!
Imagine my surprise, then, when after reading Knight’s long
awaited autobiography, Knight: My Story,
my feelings for him completely changed. And I’m not exactly sure I can pinpoint
one reason why. To some extent I suppose it had to do with the way he discussed
the Neil Reed controversy. I don’t want to rehash this – you can YouTube for it
and decide if you think Knight choked Reed (which is what Reed claimed),
grabbed him briefly by the chest (which is what Knight claimed), or grabbed him
briefly by the throat (which is what I think happened).
Knight intimates in his autobiography that tape was tampered
with (“what was shown was fuzzy and greatly magnified, and unexplainedly
blurred in the central area.” p. 312). I don’t buy that for a second. But he
was happy to have the tape released, because – as he declares in his
autobiography – “I knew it couldn’t do anything but absolve me, because I knew
I had never choked anyone” (p. 311).
Except Knight had choked someone, and told the story
himself, and thought the story was funny.
In Bob Knight – His
Own Man, Knight recounts an episode with a player he coached at West Point
named Schrage. Schrage missed a free throw, which Army rebounded.
I call time, and I
have him by the throat. I can remember my fingers slipping off his Adam’s apple
or I would have killed him. I had his shirt in my fist in the time-out and I
“I want to tell you
something. Some day do you want to be a ____ general?
“Yes Sir.”
“You’ve got no chance
being a ____ second lieutenant if you shoot that ______ one more time. Do you
understand?” (p. 102)
If Knight was willing to tell a story about choking a player
to the point he could feel his Adam’s apple – and think it is funny! – I have a
hard time imagining that Knight did not put his hands on his players many
times. The reality is that in previous generations, coaches were often verbally
and physically abusive to players, and no one thought anything of it. I’m not
saying this to defend or excuse any abuse, but just to provide a context for
what coaches like Knight did. I must say
that I never saw a coach do what Knight did in the video with Reed, but I am
sure some of you have.
The point is that rather than just simply say, “Yes, I
grabbed Neil Reed in a moment of anger, and I realize that grabbing a kid even
near the throat is not a great move,” Knight couldn’t do that. And if there is
one trait that emerged in the course of reading his autobiography, it was the
abiding belief that Knight always knows just a little bit more than anyone
else. And if that is what you think, then admitting you are wrong is the most
difficult thing in the world.
But none of this is the main point of this post (hey I’m a
preacher and I love basketball, so I tend to go on once I get started!). The
main point has to do with bitterness, with the poison of resentment, and the
darkness it brings to the soul.
Because Knight was so famous, when he was terminated by IU,
he undoubtedly felt a keen sense of painful and public humiliation. And
considering how much he had done for the university, he must have felt betrayed
as well. No one likes to be fired. It is a deeply wounding experience,
especially when you feel like you have poured your heart into the job, only to
be treated unfairly from your point of view.
But that was sixteen years ago. And despite the fact that
many officials from IU repeatedly asked him to come to the celebration last
week, despite the desire of his players for him to return and share with them
in the amazing record they accomplished, and despite the loyal affection of the
majority of IU fans, Knight refused to return to Bloomington.
Though from a Christian point of view it is unhealthy to
nurse personal grudges, I can understand why Knight would still be angry with
Myles Brand and Neil Reed (both of whom have tragically passed away). But neither those
two individuals, nor even the handful of trustees that agreed to the decision
to fire him, are the entirety of the Indiana University basketball tradition. That
legacy represents the dozens of staff and administrators, the hundreds of
players, and the thousands of fans, who have converged to make IU great, and by
refusing to overcome his bitterness against a few, Knight has severed himself
from so many who wish to embrace him.
Maya Angelou once wrote, “Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the
host.” And just as cancer diminishes the body, bitterness shrivels the soul. It
is a sad spectacle to observe the coach I once idolized disintegrate
before my very eyes.
Proverbs 14:10 says, “The heart knows its own bitterness,
and no stranger shares its joy.” Only Bob Knight truly knows what it is going
on in his heart. It seems to me that someone who prides himself on being so
tough has in fact succumbed to one of the greatest weaknesses of all. But he
doesn’t have to answer to me. The main thing here is for me (and for you) to
constantly be on guard against the insidious and suicidal temptation of