Probably the one
Islamic term more Americans know than any other is jihad. However, what this word means and its implications for Islam
are often misunderstood. To many Americans, it means “holy war,” and it is the
motto of Islamic terrorism. In this post we I will examine what the Quran
actually says about jihad, warfare, and terrorism.
The Meaning of Jihad
Jihad comes from the Arabic
root jahada, “putting forth a great effort to achieve a goal.” Those who
practice jihad are called mujahidin. The word jihad actually
occurs only four times in the Quran (9:24; 22:77-78; 25:48-52; 60:1), and in
none of these instances is it explicitly about violence. For most Muslims,
jihad refers to the spiritual struggle to live according to the teachings of
Warfare in the Quran
There are many
references to literal warfare and combat in the Quran, and in Islamic
tradition. But is it true that terrorists like Usama bin Laden are simply
obeying the Quran?
According to some
critics, the answer is yes. “Islam does in fact have an essential and
indispensable tenet of militaristic conquest. The terrorists were not some
fringe group that changed the Qur'an to suit political ends. They understood
the Qur'an quite well and followed the teachings of jihad to the letter." (Unveiling Islam, p. 184).
It is especially
common to find websites which isolate verses in the Quran that talk about
making war against unbelievers, sometimes called the “sword verses.” The most widely
quoted is Surah 9:5:
5 When the [four] forbidden months are over, wherever
you encounter the idolaters, kill them, seize them, besiege them, wait for them
at every lookout post…
Curiously, many
critics of Islam fail to quote Surah 9:5 in its entirety. Here is the rest of the
verse, along with the following verse: