Friday, December 23, 2011

Full Preterism and the Resurrection

The word preterist comes from the Latin word for “past,” and in the study of biblical prophecy preterism refers to the belief that prophetic events have already been fulfilled in the past. My notes on the Book of Revelation, for instance, would be described as “partial preterist,” because I take the view that most of the book’s prophecies have already been fulfilled.

There is also a form of preterism known as full preterism. This is the belief that all Bible prophecy has been fulfilled, including the second coming, the resurrection, and the judgment. Among brethren this view is sometimes called “the AD 70 doctrine,”

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Original Songs of Jesus' Birth - Part 1 The Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55)

Last year’s series on “Christmas Carols”
-Did not focus on the many trappings of the traditional Christmas story that are not what we find in Scripture (date of Dec. 25; 3 wise men).
-Instead, focused on the overall feel of the songs, which often sterilize the story of Jesus’ birth in a way that makes it completely unrealistic to picture as a historical event.
“All is calm, all is bright” vs the upheaval that marked the Jewish experience of Roman domination in the first century.

This year I want to do three lessons on the songs that were actually sung about Jesus’ birth. They are all found in Luke’s gospel: