Saturday, February 1, 2014

Bible Study Roundup

This quarter I am teaching a class on How to Study the Bible, and from time to time I'd like to share some links relevant to the class. Here are a few from this week:

  • Three Tips for Better Bible Reading (HT: Steve Wolfgang). I especially like suggestions 2 and 3 (read books through at one sitting and read with editions that do not use chapter and verse divisions).
  • The Most (and Least) Bible Minded Cities. The American Bible Society and Barna did a survey of 100 US cities to gauge "Bible-mindedness" - a combination of how often the respondents read the word and how much the respondents claim to take the Bible as the source of truth. Most Bible-minded? Chattanooga TN. Least? Providence RI/New Bedford MA. Tampa/St Pete/Sarasota is #63.
  • New Edition of NASB. The Dutch Bible manufacturer Schuyler is producing a luxurious new edition of the NASB, available for purchase any day now. 

1 comment:

  1. I got the Schyuler NKJV Bible when it came out last year. Absolutely the most beautiful and durable Bible I've ever owned. Cost a lot, but worth it.
